Developing a hydrogen production plant can provide a sustainable source of energy while helping reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. Hydrogen will be necessary for BC to achieve net-zero by 2050. Hydrogen will play a key role in reducing emissions across a wide range of sectors in BC and across the world.
OPPORTUNITIESHolmes Hydro Project
Run of River Hydro Project
Holmes Hydro is a green run of river power project located near the village of McBride in British Columbia, Canada. It is a series of ten small power plants along the Holmes River watershed that, when combined, produce an average of 31 MW of power. The plants converge to a point adjacent to BC Highway 16, 3km east of McBride. The project can be connected to the BC Hydro grid with successful negotiation of a power purchase agreement or can be a standalone power source for the production of hydrogen through electrolysis. Holmes Hydro is shovel-ready, with all major permits in place.

Stewart Hydrogen Project
Hydrogen Production from Biomass
Stewart, BC is a coastal town located within the largest undeveloped mineral zone in the world, the Golden Triangle. World class mines in production and development are actively searching for green energy solutions to help them achieve net zero in their mine operations and transport of mineral concentrates to tide water. This is a potential large and long-term market for green hydrogen. Stewart World Port offers ready access to the open sea and markets throughout the world. Stewart World Port has available land for hydrogen plants and/or filling stations. The area has an abundance of waste forestry fibre and is powered by the green BC Hydro grid. Green hydrogen can be produced through electrolysis, waste fibre technologies, or a combination of the two.
Stewart Hydrogen Project
Hydrogen Production from Electrolysis
The coastal town of Stewart is located on the Northwest coast of British Columbia, Canada. It is connected to the green BC Hydro grid with renewable power sources in the region. It is within the coastal rain forest and has a vast supply of fresh, clean water. Stewart has everything needed for the production of hydrogen through electrolysis alone or in combination with forestry biowaste. Stewart World Port has available land for smaller or larger scale plants. The port enables worldwide shipping solutions and the area resource sector provides a significant local market for green hydrogen.

Our Alliance Partners
We are proud to collaborate with a diverse group of organizations that share our values and commitment to excellence.

About Us
Corporate Profile
Hydrogen BC is a Northern BC group with a seventy-year history of responsible work in the resource sector. Our group of companies includes Stewart World Port Ltd., Arctic Construction Ltd., Oakridge Environmental Engineering Ltd., and numerous partnerships with Indigenous Nations. Stewart World Port is a deep sea port constructed in 2015 located in Stewart, BC. The port has established permanent operations in the area and handles all manner of ocean incoming and outgoing cargo. The port has available land suitable for development of any size of Hydrogen production facility. It enables the import of plant equipment and/or the export of green hydrogen.